Tuesday 3 December 2013

Legs 11

So, it feels like I'm all legs.

Eleven bloody legs, and not a damn one of them works properly. (Goddamit I'm an octopi officionado +3 legged crab witch.)
Another day, another tentacle for a leg. What am I talking about?! No idea. I have no idea because I have no cognitive function, or what I do have is limited to imaginations which are in my head. I have lost the ability to make conscious decisions, reasoned arguments and see eye to eye with anyone up to and including myself.

I'll meet you in the park, if I get there before you I'll write my name on the wall in chalk, if you get there before me, rub it out.

I can't walk well (2 falls in one day- typical) and I can't talk well, call me and we'll discuss.

I hope you are well enough with whatever has been thrown at you, I'll see you on the flip side.
Maybe! Stay well xx