Wednesday 17 February 2010

The Doodle is upon me

I've been going doodle mad lately, some of them are just plain stupid and some are (without blowing my own trumpet) quite excellent. I've been sharing my doodles for a while now and have just found out that people actually like them, anyhoo I haven't been here in ages but i'm about to post some stuff in the next few days which i'm hoping you'll like (or comment on either way!)

I just found my old college botanicals from when I was studying fine art that i'll post on here too soon enough, for now have a few small doodles to tide you over....

(Above) Ah the misery days, when the man could do nothing right (except for get on my wick of course)

(Above) Everyone loves cake right? Of course...goes without saying

(Above) And finally, something I've always known to be true. Do not let egg-box shape fool you. Tis a conspiracy by egg-box manufacturers to keep eggs spherical.