Its the Egg Blog- yay
Two people I know and love, Tommo and Bela recently got married in what can only be described as the perfect wedding; a sunny day, on top of a hill, in a hand-fasting ceremony...but what to get a wedding present for two musical birds? (Cellist & Guitarist)
An Egg.
A Nest Egg. Couldn't find one I liked, so made one.....
A Nest Egg. Couldn't find one I liked, so made one.....
May I present The Nest Egg (with two musical birds in the branches)
(I used plaster, enamel spray, acrylic paint, gold outliner, oil paint, varnish)
First pics missing :( boo hiss
1.Plaster the egg (instructions TBP (To be posted) spray with enamel paint, I liked black, then paint with white acrylic paint (you can draw a faint outline in pencil as a guide)
2. I made the mistake here of then colouring the vines & birds with oil paint- no no no! what a mistake! Carry on with acrylics as the oil paint takes aaaaggges to dry! Still the colours are more vivid with oil, so chance it if you want to!
1 & 2
3. Here I tried oil paint and acrylics for the flowers, you'll need a few colour reds
I used: Scarlet, Crimson, Burnt Sienna, Raw Sienna, & Vermillion- nice mix!
3 Minutes later and 4 (below): and the Egg is done! (Hard Boiled eggie yum yum)
Gold outliner to finish the job (steady hand required, or wobbly line look!)
Here endeth the Egg- yummas (soldiers optional)
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