So, I'm tired of saying 'Multiple Sclerosis'- it's a mind-boggling banal wording for something which fucks you over a barrel and then expects you to live in a world of relative normality like everything is peachy.
It's not.
I call it anything with the abbreviation 'MS' because it's just more fun that way.
I'm Mischievous by nature, and a Strumpet on occasion (when I feel like one, which is not very often but lets face facts, I'm still a woman and would go like a duracell bunny if George Clooney were giving it away.)
I should post my number on here in case he calls.... He so could, it's not even funny.
My name is 'Marjolie' I'm 38 years old, I have all my own teeth, am not bad to look at and have had Manky Scurvy for about 14 years. It's a battle of wits which I'm currently winning, although this of course is subject to change at a moments notice.
Living with MS, is a little like living with a Rottweiler who continually humps your leg while growling at you savagely all the time. I kick the Rottweiler often when no-one's looking, it's my imaginary dog and I can theoretically kick anything fictional whenever I like thank you very much.
I love real Rottweilers and would never kick one. Just needed to be explicit on this front- Greenpeace need not be alerted.
Fuck MS, it does not define me as a person, in fact I haven't thought of one single thing that can and would. This is my life, and I don't take it too seriously- it's always best not to...
So this is me, a Magnificent Strumpet. Laugh when at all possible, dance like no-body's watching (unless it's the funky chicken, then- just-stop), and sing even if you can't
we're all going to the same place eventually my friend, I'll be round the back smoking and dancin' till you get here, MS or not I can still outdance you (if I'm doing 'the robot' please, stop me immediately.)
thank you
Marjolie x
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