I've divided this year into 4, let's face it when did months and not seasons become so important? Only recently I think.
I remember as a child my life was divided between Winter-Spring-Summer-Autumn. And so it will be again.... I think we sometimes need reminding that we are part of nature, and not separate from it. And so, part of the Masterplan is being formulated around this very thing as we speak, I'm currently on "Winter" and here is what I have so far.....
Time to plan and think creatively. Move house. Find a new job (something more intrinsic) build solidarity, reconnect with rocks, trees, green therapies, sculpture (my god, has it been that long?)
I went to Crail on a fossil investigation last week, dug out my geology hammer and reminded myself that life that is everywhere, and is more important than life in 'the office' or elsewhere within the confines of four walls. Look at this........this made me realise, the world is out there, I'd just become wrapped in superficiality (work/money/power) fuck that. No more.
Above: This is a 350m year old carboniferous tree, probably sheared by a glacier. I am in awe of this remarkable discovery. My hammer is staying out, my spirit is lifted. I have opened my boxes of fossil discoveries (ichthyosaur tooth embedded in a rock still my favourite, then the hadrosaur poo) what joy rocks bring. Winter is a time for rocks. And planning. I am a great planner, I had forgotten this too.
Where have I been?
Found some blue lias in Fife, spoke with my friend Emil (stone carver/artist/all round brilliant good egg: http://flavors.me/emilmaxthompson) about possible excavation with potential of carvings/modellings/using for pottery projects (hmm....an Elgin Marble style frieze with embedded fossilised plant potential methinks....) Lordy, I am such a geek.
Beech Leaf Noyau will be made (what's that then?) It's a beech leaf liqueur (I'd forgotten about beech leaves, how stupid of me) which is a bit like Sake, just sweeter..... Spring will be all about nature; rocks and trees. Nettles, plantain, ransoms, mycelium trails.
I will be the queen of nature again- fact.
And that's as far as I've got, but, it's a massive start, I know one thing that this year will bring and that's all part of my Masterplan, it's all about nature and rocks. I love geology (Geology rocks! Sorry...couldn't help myself...) and as well as art which always is on my agenda, nature has moved up the charts to number 2.
I'm so excited I could burst!
It's all down the the Masterplan...........have you got a plan? Do you know where you're going? And are we there yet?
And so running out of ideas and making a parody, this is what 2013 and my Masterplan is all about:
Simple, yet effective!